Los Angeles, California

During the first 5 days of the one-year comprehensive Master Clinician Implant Training program, all aspects of bone, soft tissue, and implant management will be featured including the critical steps in osseointegration and implant site development for long-term success, function and esthetics. Hands-on workshops with plastic and fresh porcine jaw models using microsurgical Hu-Friedy hand instruments, resorbable nylon and PTFE suture materials, W&H drill units, Straumann bone and tissue level implant system, and bone regenerative biomaterials are performed by the class and live surgery demonstrations by faculty. The restorative steps involved in osseointegration and implant prosthodontics are part of this session and will cover multiple teeth, and single tooth restorations. Accurate analog and digital impression taking, fit of the framework, screw-retained vs cemented, abutment choice and occlusal design are highlighted in detail.
- Osseointegration, Bone Physiology, Anatomy, Implant selection and long term results
- 5 Criteria for implant success and loading protocols
- Patient selection, clinical evaluation and risk management
- Diagnostics, radiographic evaluation and 3D Virtual Planning of the implant case and guided templates: guided templates vs surgical stents
- Standard vs. complex/advanced case treatment planning
- Esthetic anterior implant placement vs non-esthetic posterior implant placement
- Extraction site management: immediate, early and late implant placement with their respective protocols
- Office set-up, patient selection and preparation, and pre and post medications
- Flap design / incisions / sutures / hand instruments
- Implant placement protocol without grafting, implant stability and site preparation
- Principles of guided bone regeneration and augmentation: autologous, bone substitutes, bone grafts and GBR membranes
- Surgical complications and their management
- Prosthetic implant planning and start of the restorative phase
- Single tooth and multiple teeth restorations
- Edentulous jaw therapy: All-on-4 vs overdenture
- Guide stent design and fabrication
- Impression techniques: closed and open tray
- Cemented vs. screw-retained prosthesis
- Occlusal design and guards, and prosthetic frame work materials
- Abutment selection and design: titanium and zirconia
- Immediate function vs traditional healing periods
- Implant prosthetic complications
- Hands-on workshop: Impression/Techniques (optional)
- Edentulous surgical solutions:
- All-on-4 protocol with bone regeneration
- Overdenture implant placement
- Grafting protocol with implant placement
- Surgical complications of implant therapy and their management
- Digital smile design
- Digital photography
- Digital 3D planning of implant and guided implant placement
- 1/2 Day Live surgery: patient demonstration with implant and bone/soft tissue management
- 1/2 Day Hands-on workshop: implant placement / tissue management / extraction socket treatment / guided bone regeneration protocol
Daily Schedule 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (approximately) | Hourly program available on Day 1 of each session |Program is subject to change.
Los Angeles, California

During Session II all aspects of soft tissue management and grafting before, during and after implant placement will be discussed as well as the complications seen with these procedures. Live Surgery demonstrations by faculty and the hands-on workshop in upper porcine models will highlight these procedures using microsurgical instruments and sutures. Advanced implant prosthodontics will be covered with lectures on full-mouth implant restorations, and mixed teeth/implant cases.
- Periodontal considerations around implants
- Biologic width and soft tissue volume and keratinization
- Optimal esthetic implant position for soft tissue stability
- Abutment materials and design
- Uncovering protocols for keratinization
- Minimal Invasive soft tissue techniques
- Soft tissue grafting using autologous and alternative options
- Augmentation of soft tissue volume
- Virtual Planning of the gingival margin and implant placement
- Emdogain growth factors for accelerated soft tissue regeneration and periodontal attachment gain
- Flap design, incisions, suture materials, and hand instrumentation
- 10 Criteria for soft tissue esthetic results
- Interdisciplinary approach: Perio-Pros-Ortho Connection
- Soft tissue graft alternatives/collagen biomaterials and their efficacy
- Complications in the esthetic zone and soft tissue correction
- Live Surgery: Esthetic implant placement and tissue management grafting in the esthetic zone
- Hands-on workshop with esthetic implant placement and different soft tissue augmentation and keratinization procedures
- Application of Emdogain growth factor and collagen graft materials
- Immediate Tooth Replacement (ITR) Protocols
- Research and Long Term Data
- How to Manage the Buccal Bone Plate
- Bone Graft Materials
- Implant Design and System for ITR
- Implant Temporization
- Digital Workflow
Daily Schedule 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (approximately) | Hourly program available on Day 1 of each session |Program is subject to change.
Los Angeles, California

The surgical aspect will focus on advanced implant procedures, ridge grafting, sinus augmentation, periimplantitis and complications in implant dentistry. The choice of implant design and its benefits in deficient and poor-quality bone will be presented.
The restorative aspect will focus on full-arch solutions using the analog and full digital workflow, the optimal implant position, abutment choice and the evidence and experience to deliver long-term results.
Live Surgery:
The patient treatment by faculty will focus on the surgical implant treatment of patients with advanced jaw resorption.
The class students will practice procedures using 1) Straumann engaging BLX implants in special plastic models, 2) GBR horizontal and vertical bone augmentation with Resorbable collagen and non-Resorbable PTFE membranes, bone grafts and Growth Factors in fresh pig jaw models, 3) Full-arch implant placement and restoration in special plastic models.
- Advanced ridge and sinus augmentation
- New bone grafting techniques using growth factors
- Implant complications and re-treatment
- Edentulous jaw treatment solutions
- Esthetic implant therapy
- Exam #5 (Session II material)
- Hands-on workshop: advanced implant surgery and bone grafting
- Live surgery: 2 cases with advanced surgery and implant placement
- Sinus bone grafting
- Sinus osteotome results
- Sinus complications
- Ridge augmentation complications
- Case II presentations graded by gIDE Faculty
- Esthetic implant prosthodontics
- Immediate vs. delayed tooth replacement in the esthetic zone
- Ceramic vs. PFM implant crowns
- Computer guided approach
- Socket grafts and soft tissue grafts
- Abutment design, material and insertion timing
- Complications and treatment options
Daily Schedule 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (approximately) | Hourly program available on Day 1 of each session |Program is subject to change.
Master Clinician Symposium in Santa Monica, California

During the final 5 days of the Master Clinician Program new Research and Clinical Advances in Implant Dentistry, Radiology, Periodontics, Pharmacology, Oral Surgery and Oral Biology will be presented by the Program Chairman. Throughout the week implant patients will be presented with advanced and new technology treatment plans in lecture and live surgery format.