June 1 - 5, 2021 - Copenhagen, Denmark with Dr. Sascha Jovanovic and Dr. Francesco Mintrone

During the first 5 days of the one-year comprehensive Master Clinician Implant Training program all aspects of bone, soft tissue, and implant management will be featured including the critical steps in osseointegration and implant site development for long-term success, function and esthetics. Hands-on workshops with plastic and fresh porcine jaw models using microsurgical Hu-Friedy hand instruments, resorbable nylon and PTFE suture materials, W&H drill units, dental implant system, and bone regenerative materials are performed by the class and live surgery demonstrations by faculty. The restorative steps involved in osseointegration and implant prosthodontics are part of this session and will cover edentulous, multiple teeth, and single tooth restorations. Accurate impression taking, fit of framework, screw-retained vs cemented, abutment choice and occlusal design are highlighted in detail.
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
- Esthetic, functional, and anatomical analysis: part 1
- The step by step of oral rehabilitation with implants
- Esthetic, functional, and anatomical analysis: part 2
- The role of the prosthodontist in Implant dentistry
- Smile design: how to transfer the right information to the technician and patient. Mock-up as a fundamental step in prosthodontics
- Minimally invasive prosthetic and implant procedures
- Innovation-driven implant prosthodontics
- Photography as a fundamental tool in dentistry
- Tips and tricks for a case presentation: Keynote / Power Point
- Digital photography (portrait and intra-oral photography), camera settings
- Class implant treatment planning
Dr. Francesco Mintrone
- Digital CT 3D planning
- Optimal implant placement
- Fully guided implant placement vs partially guided
- New paradigms in digital dentistry: Digital impression, virtual patient and cad-cam restoration
Single-tooth implant options
- Titanium vs. Zirconia abutments
- Stock vs. Custom abutments
- Low profile abutments
- All ceramic crown and internal connection
- Occlusal design
- Temporary restoration
Partially edentulous implant options
- Abutment selection
- Impression techniques
- Cemented vs. screw-retained
- Zirconia framework
- Occlusal design
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic
- Bone Physiology
- Osseointegration and loading periods
- Diagnostics, 3D virtual planning of the implant case
- Smile design and implant placement
- Patient selection
- Implant designs and length
- Abutment designs
- Implant position
- Clinical aspects of bone quality and quantity
- Team approach in implant/bone loading and restorative treatment
Live Patient Discussion - Dr. Lars Pallesen
Patient Live Surgery - Dr. Sascha Jovanovic:
Implant surgical treatment with GBR bone graft and Soft tissue augmentation
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic
Extraction Socket Implant sites: Part 1 & 2
- Flapless vs Flap elevation
- The Buccal Plate: Preservation or Regeneration
- Immediate vs. delayed vs. late implant placement
- Socket bone graft techniques
- Connective Tissue grafting
- Immediate vs. delayed function
- Management of complications
- Guided bone regeneration protocol
Guided bone regeneration principles: Part 1 & 2
- Barrier membranes
- 15 Key Points in surgical and restorative steps for successful GBR
- Bone graft materials: Xenografts, Allografts, synthetic ceramics, barrier membranes, growth factors
- Incision designs in implant surgery and GBR + suture materials + office and patient set-up + hand instruments + medications
- Complications, treatment, and prevention
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic and mentors, Dr. Lars Pallesen
Hands-On Workshop
- Optimal implant placement bone level
- Implant placement and moderate ridge augmentation using GBR
- Extraction site implant placement with socket graft and connective tissue graft
- Flap and suture technique
- Soft tissue Augmentation
- Mucogingival Procedures
- Palatal soft tissue graft protocols
- Edentulous jaw implant treatment
- All-on-4 vs Grafting options
- Clinical steps for All-on-4
- The failed dentition
- Implant and abutment selection
- Surgical complications
Oct 6 - 9, 2021 in Dubrovnik, Croatia with Dr. Giacomo Fabbri and Dr. Giulio Rasperini

During Session II all aspects of soft tissue management and grafting before, during and after implant placement will be discussed as well as the complications seen with these procedures. The hands-on workshop in fresh pig jaw models will highlight these procedures using microsurgical instruments and sutures. Advanced implant prosthodontics will be covered with lectures on full-mouth implant restorations, and mixed teeth/implant cases.
Dr. Giulio Rasperini
- Biology and science of periodontal plastic surgery around teeth and implants
- Clinical protocols to regain and thicken soft tissues around teeth and implants
- Proven protocols for root coverage procedures
- Mucogingival procedures before, during and after implant placement to increase keratinized, attached gingiva and gingival thickness
- Strip surface palatal grafts, subepithelial palatal grafts, collagen soft tissue substitutes and allograft skin grafts. Indications and results
Dr. Giulio Rasperini
- Case presentations of advanced perio-implant prosthodontic treatments
- Treatment of soft tissue complications of previous procedures
- Soft tissue complications seen after procedures
- Limitations of soft tissue procedures around teeth and implants
Afternoon - Hands-on workshop:
(Instruments and model provided; please bring loops)
- Soft tissue management and grafting around teeth and implants
- Harvesting techniques for palatal soft tissue grafts
- Mucogingival procedures around teeth and implants
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
- Esthetic and functional integration of the prosthetic outcome: Key Points
- Selection and management of the implant-abutment interface
- Modern prosthetic strategies with Zirconia and Lithium Disilicate
- Soft tissue management around implants in the esthetic areas
- Esthetics in the edentulous patient
- Dental prosthesis vs hybrid solutions
- Esthetics with monolithic vs layered solutions
Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
- Case Presentations of advanced implant prosthodontic cases
- Science and research supporting implant prosthetic protocols
- Limitations of fixed prosthodontics
- Solutions for implant prosthodontics complications
March 9 - 12, 2022 in Athens, Greece with Dr. Sascha Jovanovic and Dr. Tidu Mankoo

During Session III all aspects of advanced implant procedures, ridge grafting, sinus augmentation and esthetic restorative protocols in implant dentistry. The hands-on workshop performed by class students will highlight procedures using GBR-protocols with barrier membranes and autogenous/zenografts/growth factors. The restorative aspect will focus on esthetic implant prosthodontics and the evidence and experience to deliver high-end esthetic implants results.
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic
- Advanced Ridge and sinus augmentation using horizontal and vertical GBR protocols
- New bone grafting techniques using wound healing accelerators
- Edentulous maxilla solutions, options and results
- Combined Vertical Ridge and Sinus augmentation procedures
- Complications encountered in advanced grafting sites from pain / swelling to infections
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic and Dr. Stavros Pelekanos
- Sinus bone grafting: lateral window, osteotome results and complications
- Live Surgery of Advanced ridge and sinus augmentation
- Presentation of equipment and biomaterials used for challenging implant cases
- Advanced prosthodontic procedures in the Esthetic Zone
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic
- Hands-on workshop: advanced implant surgery in thin bone, GBR in horizontal and vertical defects, bone harvesting and soft tissue grafting
- Case discussions presented by Dr Jovanovic
- Case presentations by master program class students moderated by Dr Jovanovic and mentors
Dr. Tidu Mankoo
- Esthetic implant restorations
- Immediate extraction site implants and temporization
- Zirconia vs. PFM implant crowns
- Cad cam restorations
- Zirconia and Titanium frameworks
- Cad cam design and manufacturing vs. conventional fabrication
Oct 3 - 7, 2022 at the Hilton Santa Monica

Program details to be announced.